Saturday 9 April 2011

Vets Bills and Haute Couture

Henry has had a mishap, involving another dog that was less than friendly. I took home rather less dog than I took out on that walk. Poor Henry (although if he had listened to me and had come back when I said it never would have happened, but he reckoned he knew best...)

So, one trip to the emergency vets on a Friday night, one rather swift trip to the main surgery, one set of stitches and an overnight stay at the vets later, he's fine and I'm £380 lighter (well, actually Visa is but we won't go into that).

It's nearly healed now as you can see, so I have decided he can go off the lead again, provided the wound is protected in case he decides to, oooh, I don't know, roll in something revolting (surely not).

Enter the Bespoke Patent Stitch Protecting T-shirt!

In fact, I think this could usher in a new career for Henry. Look! He can smize and everything!


  1. Smize is definetly my fav new word!

  2. He is going to be America's Next Top Model, I have decided. For a start, it's the only way he'll manage to cover his veterinary costs at this rate!
